13 quotes about substandard follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If the customer isn't already buying high-quality broadband that doesn't have congestion, what are they getting — substandard performance?

Jeffrey Citron

The department has concluded that the substandard driveway connections will be reviewed in detail during the next repaving project in that area and may be adjusted at that time.

Barbara Kelleher

Living in a small studio or in a substandard apartment in Europe is better than living in a country where there is chaos and insecurity.

Alexandre Galley

That is false. They have proposed nothing to us other than threats, concessions and substandard conditions.

David Lennon

I have a huge problem with generated power, ... Maybe the equipment is substandard or maybe you oversold the capabilities.

Tony Brown

It's a bad idea. These medications come from all over the world. They come without FDA [federal Food and Drug Administration] approval. Some come from countries that are known for making substandard or counterfeit medications. The safety of the American drug supply is in question.

Howard Schiff

Fetal development is probably substandard right now for whitetails.

Clayton Wolf

So we kept the animal ourselves and did the best we could in substandard conditions.

Mark Dodd

For the past five years, I have been in substandard equipment and it has shown, ... All my results in the IRL have been in cars that were not that good. That made it even better for me to come in and achieve what I did.

Sarah Fisher

These companies are allowed to bring in foreign leaf which is substandard to Canadian leaf, and that's being smoked by people here.

Mark Bannister

To qualify as a Habitat family, you need to be living in substandard housing, which can mean unsafe, too small or having too high of a percentage of income. They cannot be eligible for a commercial loan, but they need to have a steady income and demonstrate the ability to meet our low monthly mortgage payments.

Linda Fleming

I really believe safe, clean housing is a basic need that should be available to everyone. Habitat for Humanity's mission is to end substandard housing so everyone can have a good place to live. We do that. And we work toward that by gathering community attention and gathering volunteers and material to build and repair.

Barbara Thomas

I think it's easier for African American and white comics to be praised than it is Latinos because they think our culture or our humor is substandard, ... I mean, I just don't think they want to give us credit. I just don't think that they see us as important enough to be at their level. . . . I'm the longest-produced (comedy) at Warner Bros. and I don't feel special. They come over and say hello.

George Lopez