4 quotes about stationery follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's just an unnecessary cost to business. It's not an insignificant cost to have all your business cards and your stationery redesigned to incorporate the area code.

Barbara Dye

The advantage of the tower gun, other than the superb snowmaking, is it allows us to place them in stationery positions around the mountain. This allows our snowmakers to focus on other key areas on the hill using the ground guns and fan guns.

Ralph Lewis

But when you get to earth-friendly stationery and home decor, you have to do a lot of extrapolating. Based on the information we had, our thinking was that as people grow more aware and are more concerned about the things they put into and on their bodies, they might grow equally concerned about the things they surround themselves with in their homes.

Didi Chadran

[Inside her stucco town house, the curtains were drawn and stillness prevailed.] That is why it is very painful to be interviewed or profiled, ... Because you think when you read the piece, Oh, that is how I come across, as someone who is too interested in stationery, or as someone who doesn't know how to spend money.

Lynne Truss