9 quotes about springdale follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Anytime you win against a hometown rival, it's neat. The fans are more into it, and means more to the people of Springdale.

Tim Rippy

Springdale is just so big and strong that there's no way that we could win a half court game with them. It had to be full court, and we were able to dictate the tempo with some full-court pressure.

Sean Williamson

The models under which most AA franchises operate across the country include a significant investment of public dollars in the construction of the needed facilities. Exactly how the financing of a facility here in Springdale could be accomplished is under study.

Mayor Jerre Van Hoose

It was awkward at times, especially at first. But I think the reality is they actually saw me with a Razorback on my shirt, and it kind of hit home that, hey, he is over there, he's not at Springdale anymore.

Gus Malzahn

People look at the record and think we're having a bad year. We're having a great year. We have not had a bad day at Springdale High School this year.

Scotty Person

We're very excited. We knew coming in that Springdale was a very tough opponent. We knew it was going to be a challenge. It was good just to get out there and get the win.

Jason Bumblis

If you know Springdale Cemetery, there (are) hills.

Greg White

[Thats when Clark called the Bella Vista division of the Benton County Sheriffs Office and was told it was illegal to own a mortar round. The deputies came out to his house and told him he needed to call the Springdale Bomb Squad to take away the bomb.] It was a cluster bomb, ... Thats what the bomb squad said.

Christopher Clark

I was real proud of how we hung in there after we got off to a slow start. Springdale came out with much more intensity, but we picked things up in the second half.

Matt Kordsmeier