6 quotes about spenders follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

They're losing this crowd of spenders.

Stephen Happel

My parents were not spenders. They were savers. The inherited wealth that's coming is huge because of the savings of the generation before, and these baby boomers will spend it.

David Tufts

The baby boomers have profoundly blown it. We were a generation of spenders. Over the last six years, more people have declared bankruptcy in the U.S. than have graduated from college. If we don't teach kids to save, we are doing them a great disservice.

Neale Godfrey

They get the same charge out of saving as spenders get out of spending.

Chris Cordaro

With diligent work, you should be able to tame your debt. (But there) will need to be a change in the way you think, from that of spenders to the mentality of savers.

Sandra Langton

Morality is the biggest misconception. People also think we're the big spenders and for big government. We're the party for the people and for helping people, and we're for government that works.

Larry Harris