8 quotes about spanning follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's a little tougher because you're spanning such a distance. It takes a little longer to do.

Allen Staggers

In a career spanning six decades, Karl Malden has superbly achieved the goal of every actor, to bring an extraordinarily rich range of iconic characters to the screen and stage.

Melissa Gilbert

Christian Liberalism: The doctrine that there may be an absolutely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe spanning entity that is deeply and personally concerned about baby seals but doesn't give a damn about my sex life.

Andrew Lias

Quietly, Continental has become this incredibly organized, well-run globe-spanning carrier that's got a real brand.

Stuart Klaskin

The Orlando area's job market continues to show stability, with a sold level of opportunities spanning the corporate, private and public sectors. The market also continues to boast one of the nation's lowest unemployment rates, which stood at 3.3 percent at the end of November.

Steve Pogorzelski

We've seen strong and growing demand across the globe, spanning the gamut from developed countries to emerging economies in all major regions.

William Nichols

It really comes to life with him spanning the 50, 60 years and he's touched all of their lives directly, it's not a six degrees of separation. It shows what a treasure he is and how lucky we are to have him around.

Chris Monasch

This is the right time for the industry to act on this important issue, and the impact will be felt for years to come. These critical issues of power and cooling in the data center are at the top of the agenda for our customers and other companies spanning multiple industries.

Edward Hunter