18 quotes about societal follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A weapon of mass destruction smuggled into our country in a cargo-container could be the next 9/11. The bad guys watched and learned how we reacted after the last attack by grounding all aviation. They could generate massive economic and societal disruption if they succeed at spooking us into closing our borders and ports to all incoming containers.

Stephen Flynn

It's not just local government's responsibility, it's a national issue. The societal costs are everywhere.

Patrick Fleming

With the great societal concerns about impacts on fisheries and other wildlife, its not likely we are going to see many new hydroelectric projects developed. We're not planning any.

Dave Kvamme

It's a societal change. It's how society changed on drinking and driving. Ten years ago, we weren't as informed on how bad it is.

Peri Erdmann

Our customers and partners are interested in two things -- innovation and societal impact, ... By gathering this elite audience together, we hope to not only offer insight on new technologies and best practices, but also to provide new ideas for new technologies that can have a positive effect on the world.

Hector Ruiz

Personal responsibility is a difficult thing to ask for in a nation which has attempted to find a societal "root cause" for all things.

Shapley R. Hunter

An influenza pandemic could cause widespread economic and societal disruption and seriously strain our health care system.

Sandra Shewry

The Beatles seem to me to be very much of their time (although I realize they do enjoy a remarkable enduring popularity). But I, and most of my friends with whom I've discussed this, associate them strongly with the sixties, and with the intense societal changes of that time.

Steve Swallow

What we have to do is change our societal acceptance, ... A community will have the level of gang activity that it's willing to tolerate.

David Paulson

This finding gives us one more reason to address steroid use by professional athletes as a matter of societal urgency.

David L. Katz

This obesity epidemic is not an individual problem, it's not a family problem, it's not a medical problem. It's a societal problem with grave implications for us in terms of health care and health care costs.

Susan Lynch

The solution is to gradually become free of societal rewards and learn how to substitute for them rewards that are under one's own powers. This is not to say that we should abandon every goal endorsed by society; rather, it means that, in addition to or instead of the goals others use to bribe us with, we develop a set of our own.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The energy challenge is a critical societal issue, and we feel that it's our responsibility as the industry leader to communicate about it.

Russ Roberts

I think that societal influences were the reason behind my dismissal.

Jillian Bandes

The country is forced to devote more than $450 billion each year to health care costs and other expenses because of the high burden exacted children's diseases and disabilities. The National Children's Study would pay for its total cost many times over with the expected reductions it could make on this heavy societal burden.

Christine Cronk

The reality is that that child lives with us for 6 1/2 hours a day. The reality is, societal changes have created new problems. It has landed in our lap and we must deal with it.

Kathy Rucker

Demand for energy will double in the next decade. Energy supply is fundamental to societal value.

Eivind Reiten

These data offer an important glimpse into the social fabric of this country. The implications of divorce cut across a number of societal issues, socioeconomics, health, and the welfare of our children.

Edward Sondik