4 quotes about snowmobiling follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I got to know Karl [Malone] pretty well. We went hunting and snowmobiling a couple of times. He's got a huge ranch compound. It's ridiculous.

Tony Massenburg

What we have is low snow in the majority of the snowmobiling regions of the province.

Chris Brewer

His No. 1 hobby in life was snowmobiling. He'd go home for the weekend and come back and say, 'I started the snowmobile,' and we'd say, 'but there's no snow!' and he would say he just wanted to smell the smoke.

Brett Bailey

There are so many of those local areas of open water, there's just no way we could find them all. We just don't get involved; that's up to the local snowmobiling groups.

Chris Wunrow