8 quotes about slippage follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The contractor building from the Maryland side to the center of the bridge has a longer distance to go than those on the Virginia side and this has caused some slippage in the planned schedule.

Reed Winslow

Most important thing for the government is consistency of policy. Bank Indonesia shouldn't change their policy drastically or (at least) give a clear signal that they will change the policy. Market will not tolerate a policy slippage.

Anton Gunawan

It's going to add some volatility to markets for some time to come because of security of supply issues. There are a lot of implications from this slippage [in gas deliveries].

Jason Kenney

Even just the slippage of one or two conventions can have a major impact.

Rossi Ralenkotter

I got mixed reactions. Not all the kids liked it. It was hot. It reflects the sun. Some of them didn't like the rubber and some had trouble with slippage. In general, everybody liked it.

Matt Bryson

Kitchen sink will consume less and ... restaurants that are paying higher prices for coffee might not top off your cup anymore. They might not offer you that second cup so freely and that's probably the only area where you'll see the slippage.

Judith Ganes

We can't have any slippage against a team like that. You have to play a perfect game. Doug Bruno is a great coach. Hopefully we can learn from a game like this and get better next year.

Phil Seymore

We see slippage in retail construction as a function of increases in energy costs, which cuts into discretionary spending.

Cliff Brewis