15 quotes about skittish follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The economic numbers were nothing less than sweet. The markets were skittish about escalating energy prices, and that never seemed to recede, even though the economy ignored that and ran.

Rich Yamarone

The fish were skittish today. Growing up in Florida, I knew how to make them bite. The lake has changed over the years, but they're still Florida fish.

Preston Clark

The market was wary anyway, and people got more skittish as the day went on. We had people more cautious. People definitely were on edge.

Hedi Reynolds

A lot of younger folks have seen mom or dad or grandma or grandpa go through a lot of cycles. We go through ups and now is a great time to be in the industry. The '80s were not a great time to be in the industry. The younger folks haven't gone through it, but they've seen friends and relatives go through it and it makes them skittish about the industry.

Scott Hillman

The magnitude of the hurricane season last year has people a little skittish.

Timothy Conder

The market's extremely skittish. There's concerns about strong economic growth and tomorrow's (jobs) number.

Bruce Alston

We're in a skittish market and the last thing you want to do is surprise investors.

Paul Meeks

It certainly is a gray area. Most news organizations are fairly skittish about printing the names of juveniles unless they're being charged as adults.

Wendell Cochran

The market is just so fickle, and skittish. Any little hiccup in the system will cause a jump in prices.

William Beach

It's a tough market right now. Even if you do good things, investors are skittish.

Ren Zamora

Intel's earnings announcement has made investors skittish about the prospects for other chipmakers and computer-related companies.

Song In Ho

An awful lot of people are skittish about the stock market, but real estate, that's viewed in the general public as a sure thing.

Peter Francese

Arnold set the bar for very high expectations, coupled with strong demands. But the expectations weren't met, the demands weren't honored, and that has voters very skittish. Most voters are showing malaise, even downright disgust.

Larry Gerston

Lost dogs, especially like this one with a skittish temperament, are likely not going to come up to people.

Kat Albrecht

Maybe you can make another 50 percent from here, but people are skittish, ... The problem in this market is that everyone's looking for the momentum play. Any sort of fear that a company isn't going to be able to sustain a momentum ends up a reason to dump shares.

Eric Ross