3 quotes about shriveled follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It was already dehydrated, hadn't been feeding and being out of the water would have, in effect, shriveled the animal's internal organs. It was essential to try to take the whale out to sea on the barge, but there was always the risk this would happen.

Leila Sadler

We can choose how to think about and react to disappointment, ... At the extremes, one line of thought leads to bitterness and a shriveled soul. The other leads to wisdom and growth.

Joseph White

The major Jewish dietary laws rest on a single premise: Eating meat is a moral compromise. There is a difference between eating a hamburger and eating a bowl of cereal. For one of them, a living creature had to be killed. Should we ever become so casual about the eating of meat that we lose sight of that distinction, a part of our humanity will have shriveled and died.

Rabbi Harold Kushner