4 quotes about shrill follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have no faith in ourselves. I have never met a woman who, deep down in her core, really believes she has great legs. And if she suspects that she might have great legs, then she's convinced that she has a shrill voice and no neck.

Cynthia Heimel

The more shrill and hysterical they get, the more they isolate themselves.

Sean Rushton

I knew I was walking into an arena where the tone is shrill, ... I didn't realize there would be so much wrong information.

Paul Kirchhof

Let me say this flatly: Leaks are good. They are the way we hold paranoid and secretive governments accountable. Historically, leaks have virtually never harmed national security in even a minor way, despite plenty of shrill commentary to the contrary. Reporters should be allowed to print them without fear of being tossed in jail.

Kevin Drum