5 quotes about shapiro follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If Mr. Shapiro is not released, Cobalt will fail.

Martin Leppo

By combining the best qualities, technology and human capital of two of the top law firms in our specialty, Fisher and Shapiro, LLC will be even better positioned to respond to the needs of our clients on any creditor rights issue.

Barry Fisher

What Shapiro is doing is, first of all, getting back to the basics, which is very important. He's pointing the missile in the right direction to get back the good image that the park once had; to rebuild the credibility among his marketplace by doing basic things: cleaning the parks up, operating them fully, offering better value once people come to the parks.

Dennis Speigel

[Shapiro] ran a holding operation and was never able to put his mark on NBC News, ... NBC News hasn't fallen apart under him, but it hasn't been forward-looking or innovative.

Andrew Tyndall

This isn't the first time (Shapiro) has hit some clutch free-throws. He hit two equally as big shots only a couple of games ago.

Dan Gandin