4 quotes about scintilla follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

After four and a half long years, this is our only attempt to get a scintilla of justice. What does accountability feel like? That's what eluded the families of the victims.

Sally Regenhard

New Rochelle police have conceded there's no evidence against him in that case. If you strip away the 'he might have done it, he could have done it, he was the last one to see her,' there's not a scintilla of evidence linking him to her disappearance.

Michael Santangelo

After 4 1/2 long years, this is our only attempt to get a scintilla of justice.

Sally Regenhard

Aside from his scintilla of candor, Mr. Bush is still not leveling with us. As he said at his press conference on Monday, 'the enemies of freedom' know that 'a democratic Iraq will be a decisive blow to their ambitions because free people will never choose to live in tyranny.' They may choose to live in a theocracy, though. Americans did.

Maureen Dowd