9 quotes about scarred follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You don't hear as much about the very many who come back who are seriously wounded and permanently scarred. Our attitude should be: 'Anything you need, you've got it, buddy.

Margaret Campanelli

For the 100 victims, and for all the ones that are burnt and scarred and everything else, they deserve much more than this - not a plea bargain. This is absolutely wrong.

Diane Mattera

Some of the individuals in this film have burns that have left 80 percent of their body scarred and disfigured. It explores the physical and psychological impact conveyed in five different portraits. It is my hope that these films be made available to help people better understand the lives of the disabled.

John Michalczyk

Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred.

Hugh Grant

I stayed at a Howard Johnson's once when I was 19 and that kind of scarred me for life.

Matthew Lillard

I knew the moment it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up. It would have scarred me for life. I may never have recovered.

M. Night Shyamalan

I'm scarred for my mom. I can't really explain how I felt, but it was okay, just as long as it was saving my grandpa.

Kristin Baker

Since the Roe v. Wade decision, Planned Parenthood has aborted more than three million innocent American children and scarred countless women for a lifetime.

David Bereit

He hasn't changed a bit. He's the same old Tyrone. I don't think Notre Dame scarred him one bit.

Kent Baer