7 quotes about sausages follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making.

Otto von Bismarck

Although not an obvious food to have benefited from an increasingly prosperous population, sausages have seen a notable shift towards more premium positioning.

David Bird

The tour ends with a huge dinner at a simple restaurant. They eat green cabbage and sausages, and wash them all down with beer and schnapps.

Jens Finke

Although many bangers may have taken on a more exotic guise, two in five adults always try to buy British sausages and bacon where possible and so it is unlikely that this old favourite will ever lose it's true Britishness.

David Bird

Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made.

Otto von Bismarck

It got a little crazy by the end. George (Crocker) was handing out sausages to random people near the end.

Jason Martin

Indeed, manufacturers are reinventing sausages as posh nosh with quality-led production, after the association with mechanically recovered meat and cheap fillers tarnished the perception of this humble British staple.

David Bird