9 quotes about rudolph follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Rudolph was looking up at Santa, and he's still there. They didn't take him.

Glenn Ashby

Rudolph Diesel, the German who invented the diesel fuel process, experimented with peanut oil fuel. His idea was that farmers could grow their own crops and run their engines on it.

Andrew Klenert

This was not a search for truth. This was a search for Dr. Rudolph.

Frederick Thieman

We view the decision as a clear victory against the Draconian policies of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

Michael Warren

Money doesn't make Dr. Rudolph tick. What makes Dr. Rudolph tick, what drives him, is unfairness in the health care system.

Frederick Thieman

We went into this game very prepared. We went over their tendencies and what they do, so we knew pretty much knew what to expect from them. (Rudolph) is a great player. He's very talented and that's the only way you can do it, is just keep fresh bodies on him, have good defenders on him at all times.

Anthony Gurley

He's the best guard I've seen, bar none. (Anthony) Gurley of Newton North probably shoots the ball a little better, but for everything else (Rudolph) does with and without the ball, he's the best.

Mike Tarlin

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Gene Autry

I looked out and saw all these Rudolph red noses and people crying. It's like what Lisa went through today. I saw it all over her face when I mentioned her father and all that.

Chita Rivera