6 quotes about roundup follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's always hard to play them in Roundup for whatever reason. Even if we win, it's always a struggle.

Mark Branger

Our position is that we're not opposed to biotechnology, although we had specific concerns with Roundup Ready wheat.

Maureen Fitzhenry

When Roundup Ready benefits are compared with conventional weed control practices we see increased yield and increased quality.

Mark Mccaslin

I think sunflower has kind of come full circle. It was a Cinderella crop in the late 1970s and early 1980s. But as other crops have had technology - Roundup Ready corn, herbicides and insect resistance - growers have opted for those technologies in lieu of sunflower.

Steve Kent

I'm going to stop at four or five places on the way home to take cuttings. You never know when a property might be bulldozed or the rosebush sprayed with Roundup.

Judy Dean

Fire prevention is the number one goal for the nation's firefighters, and hundreds of fire departments nationwide are helping CPSC with today's recall roundup by serving as collection sites for hazardous products.

Harold Schaitberger