6 quotes about roomful follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I realized more than anything that I wanted to learn how to do that. To be able to transport a whole roomful of people to a different world is breathtaking.

Anne Beardsley

If there is one word to describe (the chanting) it's powerful and moving. You can have a roomful of noisy people, and if someone started chanting, you would button up very fast. You know something is happening.

Barry Flannagan

There's a whole, huge roomful of stuff, thousands of plants.

Jim Mclain

You've got a roomful of people - the baseline of the Democratic process. Listen to the roomful of people.

Neal Cunningham

We covered 'Hey, Jude.' My father panicked, misunderstanding the lyrics and thinking our lead singer was belting out 'Hey, Jew' to a roomful of Holocaust survivors.

Ben Stiller

There's nothing more fun than a roomful of puppies. We gave it the football theme, and it caught fire for us.

David Doyle