4 quotes about revoking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We ended up disciplining them and revoking their charter, and fundraising was the main issue. They were misusing the name and they sued us and we actually won.

John Flynn

Objectively recording and filming interrogations concerning job-related crimes will help prevent violations of the law, help ensure the accuracy of key evidence and prevent criminal suspects from revoking confessions or bringing false charges against interrogators.

Wang Zhenchuan

It's either we revoke the charter or not revoke the charter. And there were way too many individual material violations to just avoid not revoking the charter.

Chuck Saylors

We have moved to begin the process of revoking the probation based on the seriousness of the underlying crime that placed him on probation. It will be up to a judge to decide what sanctions should be imposed.

Stephen Holmes