9 quotes about resonated follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If their message resonated with the public, that could be turned into support from their colleagues.

Dick Dadey

The more I got into it, the more these themes resonated with business people.

David Baron

The message that I think has resonated with viewers, especially women, [is] that you don't need to get married.

Darren Star

He had a kind of quietness and calmness and maturity about him that resonated with others and they respected, ... model myself after Mario.

Janet Harris

We're very pleased with our candidates. Whether it was upsetting an incumbent or taking open seats, [Democrats'] messages resonated.

Brian J. Moran

Clearly, looking at the 2004 presidential election the issue of same-sex marriage resonated with African Americans.

Lamell Mcmorris

We are very proud of the effort put forth into 'A Current Affair,' which displayed some exceptional work but has not resonated with audiences in the larger markets as well as we would have liked.

Bob Cook

The city was missing something. A lot of bands would play two nights in a place that was too small for them, or one night in a place that was too big. This [theater's size] resonated with a lot of artists.

Bill Brusca

I heard, in Jerry's presentation, ideas that resonated to me -- and to my colleagues on the search committee -- as new, exciting, and solid, ... With Jerry's experience and energy, I foresee great strides forward for the Chamber and for greater Brattleboro.

John Redmond