The rescue action is still going on, though the chances of finding someone alive are near zero.

Krzysztof Mejer

This new rescue car and crew will provide enhanced emergency medical service and augment the overall response capabilities to the residents of New Tampa.

Dennis Jones

People needed to evacuate the city. That was the message the mayor was sending, ... Our people could have hampered the rescue effort. We were meeting buses of evacuees when they would come to different areas. What the Red Cross does during a national response is feeding and sheltering, and we were positioned well for that.

Kay Wilkins

It's the biggest pet rescue effort since Hurricane Katrina.

Michael Mountain

His airways will block off within two minutes two minutes is what I have to get him some kind of rescue meds to keep his airways open.

Daawna Moeller

Residents in the area said they heard an explosion. Air rescue teams are traveling to the area right now by air and by land.

Francisco Paz

Last year HRHR assisted the Bureau of Land Management in a rescue of an abandoned Mustang filly. (The rescue) needed donations to buy a 6-foot-high corral to contain the filly (and) when donations fell short, really short, Tim donated the needed money so the Mustang could be rescued.

Sara Isaacson

They were very frustrated with the inability of the authorities to react, so they started Equine Rescue to try to deal with horse cruelty cases.

Sally Clampett

It's simple. We are the search and rescue because we know the trails, most of us are trained in first aid.

Peter Sirois

From the period of rescue we have now come to recovery.

Xavier Garcia

With supplies, that is where financial contributions come into play. Supplies have to be constantly replenished. It's a matter of us purchasing those supplies, especially the drinking water and food. The little things are important while the search and rescue is going on.

Steve Kerr

Many of the team members who deployed with the BEAR Search and Rescue Foundation are also members of the Auxiliary, ... they deployed as private citizens to work with the BEAR Foundation.

Scott Shields

We're getting phone calls asking for teams to rescue people still trapped in their homes.

George Hood

I'm delighted that there was no violence, and there was no loss of life in their rescue.

Anne Bacon

This decision was made carefully in the interest of protecting the rescue crews.

Arturo Bermea

In a nutshell, I will say it again. The issue is not going into the Gulf region to rescue people. This issue is making a donation to a private charity. I cannot use tax dollars and determine what charity to give to and I shouldn't be put into that position.

Jim Malcolm

We can't rely on an emergency rescue service like in Switzerland despite satellite telephone link-ups.

Andrea Vogel

I want to thank all of those involved in my rescue, those who continuously tracked my captors and location, and those who physically brought me freedom today.

Roy Hallums

We've doubled up at some of the lifeguard towers here, down in the Waikiki area, and we've also brought in a second rescue craft to service our very high activity area here.

Jim Howe

Not many parties want the optics of coming to the rescue of what is considered to be a very rich province in Canada.

David Watt

I hope we can strengthen our cooperation with South Koreans and expand our rescue effort. I hope the results can lead to a breakthrough in the problem.

Shigeru Yokota

We have finalised the rescue operation. We have rescued the Kyoto protocol. It is a major achievement because we live with this for many years to come.

Margot Wallstrom

We just dealt with a rescue who literally held an animal for eight weeks and allegedly forced a payment to get that animal back.

Eric Rice

This type of redundancy in disseminating information is important if we are to rescue abducted children quickly.

Ernie Fletcher

We walked this entire Ninth Ward for search and rescue. It looks different [now]. This is what the first guys saw. It's come full circle.

Eric Baum