4 quotes about replanted follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He has always found ways to make sure that children could reach their full potential in school. It's obvious this educator is still educating and still making a difference. He was replanted and is still bearing fruit.

Charlene Mcgriff

I think consumers should see good bargains on a lot of stuff. The next few weeks we are really going to see the harvest pick up from all the growers who replanted after Hurricane Wilma.

Ray Gilmer

What we learned from this is that corn can emerge from the ground 40 days or even longer after it is planted. We found that in some cases late emerging plants performed better than replanted corn, and vice versa.

Peter Thomison

There was nothing growing there about 80 years ago. All the trees had been been cut, and none were replanted in their place.

Jerry Philbrick