8 quotes about remediation follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We're working on a campaign for the next season and we're also executing on the remediation plan to improve the facility overall.

Alison Marquiss

Some of the (remediation) work may not have been sufficient to stand up to the weather conditions.

Laurie Mckager

We got a very detailed report of what was tested, how they tested it and what was done to exploit the vulnerability, and they gave some remediation tips.

Jasmine Morgan

The (Department of Environmental Quality) was present at the readings, ... Now what we need to do is to put together a plan for remediation, probably within the next 30 to 45 days.

William Cooper

We are going to continue moving forward with implementing the remediation plan.

John Macphee

I think it's a good compromise. We'll continue to evaluate anything we do, including evaluating an extended year for remediation.

Tommy Barnes

Before the building was repaired, we took additional precautions by bringing in an environmental remediation team to scrub the facility.

Danny Daniels

We are a very responsible company and we have been working on this systematically. We have fully complied with the requirements of our remediation agreement.

Prem Nair