9 quotes about reintroduce follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We are delighted to reintroduce the MLS/NEA Get a Kick Out of Reading program to central Ohio families. The upcoming Winter Recess offers a fantastic opportunity to rediscover the joys of reading for pleasure and we look forward to seeing a great many participants at our home opener on April 15.

Mark Mccullers

My feeling is that while we are constructing a show you need not be a boxing fan to enjoy, it will reintroduce millions of people to boxing.

Bruce Beresford

What we're hoping to do is reintroduce ecological factors that were important to the evolution of these habitats.

John Noyes

Sort of to reintroduce life into the country, ... So that's the premise of it. It's got a good idea in it. I like that.

Danny Boyle

Restoration is artificial, but (we do it) using the best scientific knowledge we have to reintroduce native populations and hopefully bring them back in abundance. Hopefully, (what we do) will be good for the fish.

Allen Haden

Perhaps many of the perplexing problems of the new music could be put into a new light if we were to reintroduce the ancient idea of music being a reflection of nature.

George Crumb

That movie has this kind of old fashioned franchise that they wanted to reinvent and reintroduce to the new generation of kids and teenagers.

Angela Robinson

We felt that my hiring was a chance to reintroduce ourselves. It's the Playhouse you love but with a different flavor.

Lars Tatom

The Mississippi River is a national scenic treasure. The park will reintroduce and reconnect residents back to the river.

Chris Esser