6 quotes about rehearsed follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We've actually rehearsed more for this tour than we've ever rehearsed in our lives. Matt is singing a lot of the vocal harmonies, and he's just killing it. The benefit of playing in a KISS cover band when you're 12 is that you learn to sing!

Stone Gossard

Well, you know it was so different from when you rehearsed. You're out there with your guitar and trying to get a sound, but it doesn't sound anything like what you expect!

Jonathan Richman

Of course, the Meryl Streep in the play is nothing like the real Meryl, and the proof of that is that she did it. Otherwise, she would never have allowed herself to be seen that way. And the more we rehearsed and worked the character, the meaner she got. She's very game.

Charlie Kaufman

I love to be in the position of not knowing what I'm gonna do, but having rehearsed all of those so when something happens with the others actors I go with whatever that is I'm getting.

Wayne Rogers

This is how I define grace: you're on the main stage, and it looks like it has been rehearsed 100 times, everything goes so smoothly. That's where I get my confidence and success, from knowing that I have an edge because I know I'm prepared.

Alex Rodriguez

They rehearsed like a band would. Pat said, 'I can get them to play as well as we did when we were bad.

Howard Paar