10 quotes about recuperate follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I think the confidence level of the offense is pretty high right now. Everybody is getting their legs back and trying to recuperate from the two-a-days. We have a little extra bounce in our steps and are playing the way we're capable of.

Reggie Brown

These people have gone through so much, ... They need to rest, and they need to recuperate.

James Robertson

The guys did listen to him and the assistants and did follow his orders. But I don't think coach Nee knew his players. There was a lack of communication. I didn't like how he wouldn't give his players a chance to recuperate from making a mistake. He takes you right out of the game.

Jack Higgins

I hope I have that momentum going but this course is different from Mission Hills that it's going to require so many more different game plans, ... I'm glad this is a three-day event, because I have an extra day to rest and recuperate before I begin again, so it will definitely be a plus.

Grace Park

I was just hoping that I would still have my son. Which he is, he is still here. He has a long way to recuperate, but he's going to live. Thank God.

Grace Jackson

Yesterday we had a snow day and I gave the kids a day off. The way my kids are, it takes them a half to recuperate.

Willie Worsley

If the cows get sick, we treat them with herbal remedies. We're just shocked by how fast they recuperate. The cows are healthier because they're not pushed so hard.

Martha Jean

It's okay that the others are ahead of me here. It doesn't worry me. I really didn't try in this Vuelta. I only came to the Vuelta to recuperate my fitness and I leave here at about 80 percent fitness. If I was here at top fitness I might not have reached the peak at the world's. At Madrid, I want to be 110 percent fitness and I didn't want to peak too early.

Tom Boonen

He is badly beaten up. It took 24 hours for his brain to recuperate and for his thought processes to announce it was the closest to death he knew of.

Ferdie Pacheco

We needed somewhere seasidey for Cath to recuperate, and Ibiza was suggested, but that's not very Cath.

Julia Davis