7 quotes about reclamation follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I hope it helps with the reclamation of some of the more distraught areas of the city.

Charles Scott

Surface mining has really gotten a bad rap over the past 50 years. They'll see a nicely done reclamation project. It's really a diverse habitat. It's because of the reclamation work that we can have elk.

Trinity Shepherd

After a conversation with the Bureau of Reclamation (which is performing the environmental study), we learned we did not need access but could use the best available data on the site.

Steve Berry

Reclamation is our new thing that we are trying to encourage more and more so we can put a second use to all the water we produce. It is a way to preserve the precious drinking water we have and use it for needs like human consumption.

Dan Gallagher

We tabled it because in fairness to the Bureau of Reclamation, we thought they should go ahead and have their hearings first, let everybody attend the hearings and then we need to do what our constituency believes is in the constituencies best interest.

Terry Fleck

The findings in this report should push DNR to better calculate reclamation bonds to protect Alaska's taxpayers and mining communities.

David Chambers

It?s been a wonderful reclamation project.

Ron Vanover