10 quotes about quiz follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Immigration does not expect you to pull out a magnifying glass and quiz people. We just want you to fill out the form.

Scott Mccormack

My job is the perfect excuse for watching action films, soaps, quiz programmes -- where the language is busy right now.

John Simpson

He gave me a book and said he was going to give me a quiz on the first 24 pages.

Robert Bly

What clicked on Mister Ed? I'll tell you, it was just about everything. It was an age of innocence. It was just a fun show. I think people had had their fill of quiz shows by then. The quiz shows had been investigated for crookedness.

Alan Young

All 'leadership' at Whole Foods go through a two-hour training program in organic certification standards and must past a quiz.

Alex Levine

JAMDAT's experience in creating fun and innovative games that appeal widely to wireless consumers makes them the ideal partner to bring my legendary TV quiz show, Bullseye, to mobile phones.

Andrew Wood

The women also ... are given a quiz asking them what's their primary form of contraception and their second form of contraception, and it has to match up to what the practitioner said.

Jennifer Adams

She also won the gold medal in the Super Quiz and essay components. I've done essay judging since I began serving as coordinator in 2000, and Emma's essay was one of the best I've seen.

Joanne Argyres

It's already being done by our students. They already are involved in band, choir, quiz bowl, sports and completing more than the required core program.

William Fjetland

Cheating on a quiz show? That's sort of like plagiarizing a comic strip.

Paul Scofield