8 quotes about puzzling follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's puzzling that any government would fight it rather than make an agreement.

Mark Emery

One of the things we've been puzzling over here in the U.S. is that people haven't been dancing in the streets as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit new four-year highs.

Andrew Clark

On some days you might seem like you're perfectly recovered. The next day or so, you're flat on your back, you're puzzling, you're angry.

Constance Miller

That Internet Explorer does not have tabs is puzzling to me because users who try them seem to like them a lot.

Timothy Lord

That's puzzling. No one really knows why he let the payroll go and not covered the pay for these employees. Just don't know at this point.

Dean Fryer

How the jet can be packed full of high energy particles, going at near the speed of light and staying so thin is really puzzling.

Wallace Tucker

There is nothing we can find that supports what they're doing. It's very puzzling.

Marty Dickens

Sometimes one comes across an especially odd trading day when nothing much makes sense. Yesterday's session was a case in point, with the action in the natural gas complex being particularly puzzling.

Edward Meir