7 quotes about purged follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

For all intents and purposes, they've closed it, they've purged it.

Luella Sanders

He was purged, accused of sympathizing with the protesters and splitting the Communist Party.

Tang Wenfang

Just like anywhere else in your house or your kitchen, it needs to be purged every once in a while.

Kelly Galvin

I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think vainly, flattered myself that, without very much bloodshed, it might be done.

John Brown

I told them not to rent storage space, that they had plenty of space, it only needed to be purged and set up to meet their needs.

Nancy Kruschke Mckinney

This album is, in a sense, closure to a chapter in my life. I've purged myself of some of the things I've been going through in the last five years. That's more important to me than the fear of not being accepted by old fans.

Eric Benet

He's purged the party of recalcitrant anti-reformers at least in one field, and others will get the message, too.

Ellis Krauss