12 quotes about purchasers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Teens and college-aged kids are the biggest purchasers of mobile content, yet they lack a way to protect their investments.

Gerry Purdy

When buying new, purchasers have the assurance that their developer is with them every step of the way, offering expert guidance and advice.

Sharon Robinson

It always filters down to the purchasers of goods, food products and construction products.

Dale Brown

Employees continues to be the prime purchasers for these devices.

Manny T. Lopez

Purchasers of ground beef may wish to ask retailers if ground beef at their stores was produced with any of the recalled product.

Margaret Glavin

Half the people investigated [in the report] were convicted felons. The problem is not loopholes. The only loophole is the loophole of lack of enforcement. If there are unlawful dealers, traffickers and prospective purchasers, the laws are there, go prosecute them.

Bill Powers

This is a positive trend that can continue indefinitely, but the price is that we have to pay attention and reward accountability. The new mantra for health care purchasers needs to be, 'show us your data.' Why trust your family's health to an organization that operates behind closed doors?

Margaret E. O'kane

By filing these lawsuits, we hope that auction purchasers will understand that software offers are not always what they appear to be.

Matt Lundy

We're not looking to sell one or two. We're looking for fleets [purchasers] that would take about five vehicles--something we can set up a service contract to deal with.

Andy Abele

There's going to be a slight increase by the purchasers.

Michael Barrack

Though China's textiles and clothes might impact local textile manufacturers, they will bring more profits to local purchasers, retailers and consumers.

Han Licheng

That person cannot go in and buy 15 guns for resale, because they would be set to that purchaser's own fingerprints.

Edward Rendell