14 quotes about psychotic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.

Kilgore Trout

My client is not psychotic and not insane or incompetent, but the inference is there. If everybody treated for depression is deemed crazy and psycho, there are real problems.

Cathy Lively

I committed him on a Friday [to UNC Hospitals] and encountered him again Monday. He was still psychotic, in my book. He was really presenting some big risk to himself.

Matt Sullivan

My version of falling in love is borderline psychotic. Should be avoided at all costs. Get obsessed. Can't fall in love and function at the same time. All-consuming. Tunnel vision. Euphoric.'

Graham Norton

It was nothing unexpected. That's just the way they've always been - just stupid, nuts, psychotic.

John Garrett

Great acting can be almost a psychotic mix of self-consciousness and unself-consciousness. And that's the terrible conflict. You have to be free to jump off into that volcano and you have to be pathologically self-conscious.

Alec Baldwin

Most of our clients are suicidal, psychotic, bipolar, schizophrenic or sex offenders. They make an income of less than $3,000 a year and have been kicked off welfare. They need medicine, but cannot afford it. Many have been abused or in prison and have been addicted to crack and alcohol.

Connie Wilson

But there's a difference between having artistic interests and being psychotic. That's more than a fine line of differentiation, and I do see that a bit too much.

Crispin Glover

Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions.

Thomas S. Szasz

Some become psychotic when they quit using. Because of those withdrawals, these patients need proper medical monitoring.

Vicki Cannella

It's like dating a beautiful model; then you find out she's psychotic and has habits that put you over the edge.

Brian Kilcommons

[And if he believed he was wrong, he'd say so:] He doubled back on himself again and again, ... Psychotic Reactions.

Greil Marcus

We are getting more and more referrals for children who are extremely psychotic, who are suicidal, (have) a lot of cutting behaviors, and are very challenging.

Sandy Bryant

During this period, I consider him chronically and severely psychotic, ... But it would be disingenuous for me to say that at any given particular moment he was psychotic.

Mark Mills