21 quotes about proxy follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Cisco is a proxy for the rest of tech. They touch every level of technology in their business.

Brian Finnerty

We will include it, and we will have our comments in the proxy statement.

Becky Sanch

The family needs to know whether they want to be on a ventilator or not. Discuss those issues with your friends, your family, with anyone who is likely to have significant input when the time comes. Don't leave it to the courts to designate your proxy.

Barry Tepperman

Utilities are always rather dependent on interest-rate developments as a proxy to bonds.

Stephan Wulf

These are preliminary results and both sides will have the opportunity to examine and challenge the proxy tabulation prior to final certification.

Walter Hewlett

We are delighted to welcome KAS BANK NV as a client of ADP and look forward to enabling KAS BANK NV to reach the goal of providing exceptional global proxy services to their clients.

Bruce Babcock

I think it'll be a good proxy for a popularity contest for James Cramer.

Gail Bronson

It's like any proxy fight -- the first thing you try to decide is who votes.

David Pollock

We really feel there was a lack of oversight and failed responsibility for disclosure of compensation practices. There was an eleventh-hour attempt to come up with corporate practice guidelines, but, in our view, it shouldn't take a proxy threat to get action.

Brad Pacheco

It is a proxy battle for a more flexible employment model versus what the French like to call a social model for Europe.

Katinka Barysch

This whole education fight is clearly a proxy for the immigration debate. A lot of people here feel if you don't build it, they won't come.

Bruce Merrill

Our child is being raised as a proxy, ... but we hope some day to get the proxy back through negotiations. And in public life, the longer you're in, the poorer you are.

Joe Garcia

He's a proxy. If this man would have been called up that day, he would have accepted the assignment in a heartbeat.

Sally Regenhard

Executives at these companies are often isolated from the horrors of what the farm animals have to endure. The resolutions will raise the issue because they are printed in the companies' proxy statements and mailed to the shareholders. This way, our campaign moves into an actual agenda, and companies will have to address it and argue their case.

Bruce Friedrich

The semiconductor sector in general is in very good shape; the industry hasn't invested enough in capacity and that is actually very good for chip makers. Intel is often treated as a proxy for the chip sector, so the chip sector is doing well and so is Intel.

Joe Osha

We are applauding the plan for adopting key strategic initiatives that will create a lot of shareholder value. I am not going to run a proxy contest.

Bill Ackman

They are clearly a proxy for interest rates. The catalyst was interest rates.

Ted Weisberg

It's also a positive because management doesn't have to go through the cost and distraction of having a proxy fight in the spring.

Roy Burry

We're seeing the automated battlefield, but we're not the ones who are in technological control. The enemy is. They're killing us with remote-detonated IEDs. It's like they're fighting a war by technological proxy. But that's what we're supposed to be doing.

Bruce Hoffman

Megahertz has been distorted as a proxy for performance and has been devalued in terms of a measure of performance.

Mark Bode

Just within the last six months, these policies have spread pretty quickly. It's almost a proxy now for boardroom accountability.

Patrick Mcgurn