10 quotes about preval follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There is a lot of focus on counter-drug efforts on the part of Rene Preval.

Tim Carney

Preval has quite a bit of popularity in the West and it is the first department that we processed, and therefore he was ahead of everybody. As we include other departments his percentage is going down.

Jacques Bernard

Preval is going to have to be bringing people to the table and finding common ground to move forward. It is going to be quite a challenge.

Robert Maguire

Preval wins with 51.15 percent.

Michel Brunache

Rene Preval has been declared the winner with 51 percent.

Max Mathurin

Aristide created, inside the public administration, forces that were faithful to him. So Preval was accused of being weak. ... I think he was fearful of Aristide.

Claude Moise

From what I heard on the radio all day, with the prospect of Preval being president, the elite is already lining up and getting ready to derail him and keep him from governing.

Dumarsais Simeus

Preval is between a rock and a hard place... He seeks to establish himself as an autonomous political actor in Haitian politics, though his (Feb. 7) election victory was in part based on his links with Aristide.

Dan Erikson

So far, what I see of Preval, he is clearly reaching out to other factions. And there are plenty of people in the business community who apparently made peace with him.

Robert Fatton

Preval has always preached reconciliation.

Volcy Assad