7 quotes about predisposition follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Homosexuality is not a genetic predisposition. If someone is happy living that way, you can't force them to come out of it. But we give hope to thousands like myself.

Alan Chambers

It is a credit to the citizens that they have put aside that predisposition not to evacuate and that they realize that this is a real threat.

Mark Lambert

The scary part about this type of flu is there's a 50 percent mortality rate, and there's a predisposition for young adults in their 20s and early 30s.

Nancy Bluhm

We're particularly sensitive to (the anti-Detroit allegation) this year. For the first time since 1997, all 10 top picks are Japanese nameplates. We don't have, and never have had, a predisposition for certain makes and models of cars.

Jim Guest

We don't know how much milk is too much for women with genetic predisposition.

Susanna Larsson

Infections could be a trigger for the onset of the cancer in a limited number of susceptible individuals, those with a genetic predisposition.

Dr Richard Mcnally

I don't think you can make a child have ADHD. A child is born with a predisposition, and the environment will make or break that predisposition.

Donna Palumbo