9 quotes about preceding follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

City Commission shall collectively and by a vote of not less than five of its members, evaluate the City Manager's performance during the preceding year and fix his/her compensation accordingly.

John Hubbard

We had expected sales to have picked up in February after falling on month the preceding month, but this hasn't happened, which means that domestic consumption could be in trouble.

Oh Suktae

The call volume has been higher and more steady than preceding some of the hurricanes we had last year.

Brad Dean

Retail sales figures for January indicate that the momentum that built in the months preceding Christmas was not maintained into the new year.

Richard Lowe

There was more examination with respect to the relationship between Nicole Brown Simpson and Mr. Simpson in the year-and- a-half preceding her death.

Michael Brewer

When I had alcoholic blackouts, I literally could not remember what I did the preceding night.

Jim Ramstad

Output is expected to contract over February due to the sharp 17.6% gain in the preceding month.

Ho Woei Chen

A well cultivated mind is made up of all the minds of preceding ages; it is only the one single mind educated by all previous time.


A lot of people are surprised that the markets are behaving as well as they are. But there's a sense that even the negative numbers don't matter as much as they might have, that markets are preceding the turn of the economy.

Tim Heekin