5 quotes about pollsters follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's an amazing, very rare admission. Republican pollsters have argued for the last couple of decades that the generic congressional polls always overstate the Democrats' participation.

Wes Anderson

The reality is that this has become a game. It's done because pollsters say it's highly effective to send out a check with your name on it just before the election.

Assemblyman Richard Merkt

I have such fond memories of going to my polling place, ... and not only seeing my pollsters, but my neighbors.

Deborah Moore

Latin America is addicted to polls. The media publishes anything. They don?t filter [the polls]; they?re not demanding with the pollsters. In addition, there are different ways of looking at the same poll.

Fernando Tuesta

I would love for them to be the first, but I'm for anybody. If you play a good schedule, as determined both by the opinion pollsters and the computer polls, and you go undefeated, you should have a chance to play at the highest level.

Craig Thompson