15 quotes about policymakers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The same is true of monetary policymakers. They're just a bunch of technicians, cleaning teeth, fixing fillings. You don't spend every day obsessing about what your dentist is up to.

Stephen Cecchetti

It's at that stage where I think policymakers will start to become concerned (about high petrol prices).

Brian Redican

For economic policymakers, the landscape has materially changed. It no longer would be prudent to regard a Sept. 20 [rate increase] as a foregone conclusion.

Ray Stone

Our policymakers, economists and the media bestowed that role on it.

A.j. Senchack

This is due to increasing expectations that US policymakers will end their current credit tightening cycle soon.

Masayoshi Yano

Politicians and other policymakers do not know the economic value of the goods and services provided by ecosystems.

Walter Reid

Policymaker's toleration for inflation risks must be lower when the inflation rate is bumping around 3% per annum.

Michael Blythe

We keep saying the sky is falling -- all the policymakers have ignored us. If we don't put a large infusion of money to raise that average salary to closer to 25th in the nation, then this is just going to get more gloom and doom.

Linda Nelson

With a foreign policy appropriately rooted in some sense of humanitarian decency, the Central African crisis will not be easily ignored by American policymakers. It screams for remedy.

Michael Johns

We want to make affordable housing an issue in the 2005 gubernatorial race. And we want to hold policymakers and lawmakers responsible for needed changes to the law. We want results. This coalition is not going to go away after Nov. 8.

Annu Mangat

Argentina policymakers have to recognize that fact. They should agree to disagree and concentrate on how to work sensibly as good neighbors.

Howard Pearce

Finally, it will be up to the policymakers to decide on the matter.

Mahmudur Rahman

It's one thing to run faster in place when the rest of the economy is stagnating as well. But it cuts a little deeper when policymakers are telling you the economy is fine, and you are falling behind.

Jared Bernstein

This has been marketed as a very positive thing for Maine. It's been turned around, and that takes some of the fear out of it for policymakers in other states.

Edward Miller

We're at a point where if policymakers (regulators and Congress) don't act, you run a real risk that the wall will crumble.

Edward Yingling