13 quotes about pneumonia follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

He will not ski because he is ill and has pneumonia. He's back in Austria and had his last test today.

Raimund Fabi

A cancer center in Florida has agreed to treat his leukemia, so he will get immediate attention for the cancer, as well as for the pneumonia he contracted this week.

Brian Concannon

When the broad market gets a cold like this, the IPO market gets pneumonia, ... You really have to look very closely at the proposed deal right now. But, in general, I doubt anything will get priced over the next couple of weeks.

Charles Kaplan

Back in December I decided to become a donor. Two factors swayed me. My brother-in-law received one from his dad; he lasted four and a half years until he died of pneumonia, ... I was very close to him for a brother in law. That was 30 years ago, and it's still in my mind after all these years.

Jim Seals

We found that babies who received an additional two months of full breastfeeding were over four times less likely to contract pneumonia and half as likely to suffer recurrent ear infections.

Caroline Chantry

The heart attacks, the strokes, they will come no matter what's going on, ... The patient with pneumonia, the patient with an asthma attack will say, 'Maybe I can ride this out at home.'

Alasdair Conn

This is not leukemia, this is not pneumonia, this is not something they know how to deal with. This is a drug that they have never tested on humans before so they don't know what they are dealing with.

Mysanwy Marshal

His pneumonia continues to improve.

Penny Circle

He struggled the whole way. He couldn't lay down to sleep. People kept thinking it was really pneumonia. There was really nothing he could do. He just couldn't breathe.

Loreen Hewitt

He went in Sunday. He had trouble breathing; he got pneumonia, he got everything failing the next day. That's when he began to look really bad. You couldn't even recognize him.

Jodi Webb

I doubt he plays again this season, with a groin muscle and pneumonia.

Rick Stansbury

There are six cases. It's viral pneumonia, and four of them could be related to a disease with poultry.

Turan Buzgan

Some people there are not alert for bird flu. They don't report serious pneumonia cases to relevant departments when they hear of them.

Zhong Nanshan