15 quotes about pillows follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You can take away the pretzels, the pillows and the magazines, and the people are still pushing each other aside to get on those airlines.

Terry Trippler

They’re sitting in the classroom, but their heads are home on their pillows.

Mary Carskadon

It was nice for a change not having to worry about how cold it got at night. The dogs had plenty of nice comfy blankets and pillows to stay warm in.

Joanne Schoch

Twenty-four hour access to a gym was a big thing for me. When other people might go out and party, I like to go to the gym. There's a lot of times I might spend the night over there. You just crash and go home in the morning. I have a cover and pillows and everything.

Daniel Gibson

Does taking an ironing board from a hotel count? I walked straight out with it, and pillows too. I had my reasons.

Andrew Didonato

They spent at least 24 hours at Narita. They slept on the floor. The airline gave them pillows and blankets.

Karen Pagoda

First-graders send in drawings of the gecko. Great-grandmothers do needlepoint pillows of the gecko. Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn't suggest an idea about what the gecko should do next.

Steve Bassett

We don't have carpet, bedding, mattresses, covers, like comforters, no pillows either...but we're thankful to have a roof. [We've] got to start from somewhere.

Sally Williams

Every year, we have a color that is building and building and getting much more acclaim. In 2005, it was orange. . . . It was in dishes, blankets, clothing, accent pillows, throws for sofas, vases. It was in your face everywhere.

Barbara Richardson

I didn't expect anything, but the community really responded. Cell phones, clothes, blankets, pillows . . . anything you could think of, they gave to us. Everyone was really supportive about it and offered encouraging words.

Rashida Jones

It was kind of weird being scheduled. We just came in with our bags and our pillows and said, 'We're here and we're ready.' It was funny.

Catherine Wood

This is a good lesson for the kids at the school. They have had them out sorting out donated items - putting sheets with sheets, pillows with pillows, piling them up for distribution.

Carolyn Nalley

Three days we sat in the basement on concrete floors. We brought blankets and pillows from the room and my butt is still sore.

Fay Roberts

We also haven't pulled blankets and pillows off the aircraft. We think it's a strategy that will pay off for us in the long run.

Julie King

You can buy cheap different pillows all over the place. You can fringe and bead.

Terri Jordan