9 quotes about piggy follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I had a little 6-year-old girl come up and dump her piggy bank in my boot so I was, I had tears in my eyes.

Steve Surace

If you save money, put it in your piggy bank or put it in your savings account, but put it somewhere. I don't care where you put it. But make it tangible.

Dee Lee

One little girl asked her mom if she could take $20 out of her piggy bank, ... I asked her if she did. She said, 'It was more.'

Troy Miller

It's a piggy bank, and every month they shake money out of it, ... Eventually, you have to start putting cash back into the piggy bank.

Maryann Keller

Think of it as an electronic piggy bank. Everyday errands and chores now deliver added value for our customers and the response in the last few months has been tremendous.

Diane Morais

Once people find out what it's for, they're really giving, ... Two little boys emptied their piggy banks for it.

Mary Cole

There was one student that brought in $100 from his piggy bank.

Debbie Shelton

They stole the piggy bank. Absolutely we will go after them. They are the deep pockets.

John Tate

It was all grassroots, people's piggy banks and everything else.

Eido Frances Carney