22 quotes about pharmacies follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The measure is truly demolishing. It could liquidate some 550 pharmacies, mainly those located in the countryside.

Lubomír Chudoba

The retail pharmacies in this area were doing 600 to 700 prescriptions a day. So I knew that the business was there.

Randy Le

The probable effect of this would be that there would be no pharmacies left in D.C..

Paul Ginsburg

We are excited about our partnering relationship with DSC Logistics and most importantly, excited to offer our drug wholesalers, chain drug stores, mass merchandisers and independent pharmacies the ability to capitalize from the benefits of this new relationship, ... Through the relationship with C200, DSC Logistics and Kramer Labs were able to forge a relationship that wil.

Gloria Rodriguez

The reimbursement is less than half our customary rates, and those rates were lower than most pharmacies.

Warren Hernand

Massachusetts pharmacies are required to stock all medications that are commonly prescribed to meet the usual needs of the community.

Sam Perkins

That's a dying breed, ... Pharmacies are really struggling to find ways to make their business models work.

Tom Holt

In the event there is a problem, the pharmacies would be subject to a remedy imposed by the state. When the pharmacies are contracted, the only remedy is a civil action.

Larry Matheis

Their pharmacies are closed. We're doing our best to make sure they're getting medication.

Jack Murphy

Social Security wasn't prepared. The drug companies weren't prepared. Pharmacies weren't prepared. Seniors weren't prepared.

Lisa Yarber

There were some fears it was being pulled off the shelves and this is not the case. There is a shortfall, but it is not just at the VA. All pharmacies are experiencing it.

Jim Benson

Where the rubber is really going to hit the road is Jan. 2 in the local pharmacies.

Stan Rosenstein

I know that our pharmacies were as prepared as they could have been for the Jan. 1 date. They were trained in how to transmit information, how to look up eligibility, as well as accessing information from the plans.

Lindsey Stephens

The health plans are required to have adequate pharmacy networks. If pharmacies drop out, the plans will have to find somebody else to replace them.

Jack Cheevers

Pharmacies and pharmacists seem to be where everybody is going for the bottom line information about where to sign up, who do I need to sign up with and exactly how do I do it?

Skip Tucker

We're into March and people are telling us they haven't been paid yet from January. A situation is occurring where pharmacies are running their business at a financial loss.

Crystal Wright

Pharmacies are opening up in already saturated areas.

Julian Solomon

Do whatever you want in the back room of pharmacies, but keep it away from consumers.

Katherine Albrecht

We cannot afford to wait to battle the disease in pharmacies and hospitals, ... but need to get rid of the virus in affected farmers' backyards.

Jacques Diouf

It's a pharmacies and a pharmacists duty to always care for patient needs first.

Paula Gianino

We believe this decision's being made by a pharmacy body to benefit pharmacies.

Gary Sands

Medicare beneficiaries would never accept a drug benefit with sharply reduced drug choices and very limited access to pharmacies.

Mark Merritt