5 quotes about permafrost follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The form of the water [for example, liquid, permafrost, or impregnated in minerals] depends on many things, such as the distance that the asteroid formed from the Sun (and therefore its temperature) and what internal heat the asteroid has since generated.

Peter Thomas

People have used models to study permafrost before, but not within a fully interactive climate system model.

David Lawrence

If the permafrost does thaw, as our model predicts, it could have a major influence on climate.

David Lawrence

Thawing permafrost could send considerable amounts of water to the oceans.

Andrew Slater

If the Arctic tundra and permafrost melt, we could expect to see major damage in those areas to homes, roads, airports and, ironically, oil pipelines.

Duncan Mclaren