8 quotes about pell follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The Pell Grant isn't even keeping up with inflation, let alone college costs.

Luke Swarthout

The Pell grant has been flat for four years in a row. It is a lot of give or take.

Randy Sell

Even with this change, there will be more Pell Grant recipients and the federal government will spend more money on Pell than it did this year.

Sarah Flanagan

Our neediest students, who would not have access to college without Pell Grants, should not be further punished after enduring a natural disaster.

Ric Keller

The Pell Grant is more than a financial aid program for college students in need. It is the right thing to do for America's college students, and it is the right thing to do for America's economy.

Norm Coleman

The Pell grant is already too low for most needy students who go to four-year colleges.

Gary Orfield

Pell City can propose, and we can propose, ... We still have to go through attorneys and the U.S. Justice Department. There are some financial considerations where the line would be drawn.

Tom Sanders

Increasing the Pell-Grant is critical as students face higher college costs across the country. As costs go up, the Pell-Grant unfortunately stays the same.

Luke Swarthout