It seems to me that there is sort of a pattern here of disregard for the law.

Andy Downs

Consistent with the industry's history of pattern bargaining from the UAW, we would expect similar consideration of health care adjustments.

Bodo Uebber

I think we're going to continue this cold pattern into March. The real question is how far into March this is going to continue.

David Arnold

The basic pattern is the more money that comes in, the lower the returns.

Josh Lerner

We need to establish a certain pattern of consistency. What comes out of your mouth is what we will hold you accountable for.

Tilyenji Kaunda

They are not things that you are going to find a ready and easy buyer for. With this pattern and because there are so many of them and because they are in so many different styles I don't think this is a collector of bronze.

Vernon Rapley

Clearly, this pattern is such an extreme deviation from his peers that it raised grave concerns for the board.

Nancy Achin Audesse

He obviously saw when the pattern started to emerge. I don't know whether this is luck or just good work.

Ron English

So what we can answer [as geneticists] is questions about biology, about biological ancestry. But to make any sense of that historically we have to contextualize it -- the archaeology, the linguistic pattern, even the climatology.

Dr Spencer Wells

So, when the sound moved, the pattern of firing shifted across the map of cells.

Eric Knudsen

It is definitely true that having a common foe does give you something to shoot at. I'm just hoping that we don't fall into a pattern of simply playing catch-up with Microsoft, which is a danger.

Eric Allman

He had demonstrated a repeated pattern of untruthfulness, and this is not the kind of employee that we want at the Broward Sheriff's Office.

Elliot Cohen

Our testing shows a pattern of mercury levels being significantly higher than what the FDA reports.

Eli Saddler

We just can't seem to get rid of it, this weather pattern. It will stop, this is California after all.

Elizabeth Morse

There was a repeated pattern of not admitting the true extent of what problems were, and only then discovering after the fact that they were a lot bigger than had been announced.

Edward Lincoln

I'm more aware of what's moving through my hunting area. I move (the camera) around my hunting area quite a bit. It helps me pattern the deer, to know what areas have potential.

Earl Karow Jr