7 quotes about paste follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We're going to come very close to reaching or exceeding Atlantic City. These aren't going to be cut-and-paste barges like we had in the past.

Larry Gregory

If they let France (protect its industries) then other countries could just copy and paste, and if you multiply that by the 25 countries of the E.U. it doesn't look very pretty.

Daniel Gros

This is the first word processor to be able to import PDF documents without having to copy and paste. Also, most tables will retain their formatting.

Richard Carriere

That contract accounted for £20m of sales so we decided to make the best bean around. We added more tomato paste and some different spices and people love it.

Robert Schofield

Offensively we've got to a better job. We've got some skilled guys that can run, and we're just going to have to polish it. We wore out and they were able to paste us pretty good at the end.

Scott Martin

Paste them up on the wall but avoid reviewing them day to day because that will shake you out of the market.

Barry Vosler

The farmers crush the chilies they grow and mix them with old engine oil. They smear that paste onto a simple string fence around their field, protecting their other crops.

Nina Gibson