8 quotes about panhandle follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What will happen is they'll go without, or they'll panhandle, or they will steal.

Roger Miller

There's always great players who come out of the Panhandle.

Jeremy Rowell

We only see them during migration. They nest in northern Canada, but they winter in the panhandle of Texas and in New Mexico.

Jim Hansen

Brad has shown exceptional leadership in Montgomery, and I'm looking forward to having him work with our banking franchise across the state and in the Florida panhandle.

Andy Stein

Anybody along the northern Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle needs to be watching this storm.

Robert Molleda

Forcing people not to panhandle is taking away their rights. It's not American.

William Fox

Our best estimate of the track possibilities are that anywhere from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle could expect the center to be approaching them by the middle of the weekend.

Richard Knabb

A lot of people feel the Mississippi Gulf Coast could be as beautiful and amenable as the Florida Panhandle.

Elizabeth Moule