10 quotes about pales follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Everything was as good as it could possibly be. Everything he's done up to this point pales in comparison.

Bob Brenly

If you can provide financial assistance, everything else pales.

Jesse Lutabingwa

The money is good but it pales in comparison to the money we make selling the automobiles.

Jeff Bell

We talked to some of the guys after practice and they said it was nice release. Some things are more important than high school football, and our game pales in comparison.

Dale Patton

Everything pales in comparison to deer.

Dave Swanson

For some of our freshmen, especially Shannon [Davis], this will be their first opportunity to play [in real matches]. We've been practicing a lot, but it pales in comparison to actual competition.

Kristin Chaney

It's an inconvenience. But it pales in comparison to getting your car stolen.

Charles Territo

Our activity pales in comparison to even office pools.

Alan Feldman

Everything pales when compared to this. These demonstrations are historic because they surpass in size any of the previous Latino-organized protests, going back to the '50s and '60s.

Jorge Mariscal

Frankly as fun and entertaining as the entertainment business is, it pales in comparison to raising kids - for me anyway. The glamorous parts of business are indeed glamorous, but they're fleeting and fickle.

Julia Louis Dreyfus