Our first inclination was to pack our bags and depart for our home stations.

Jeff Mathews

Some of the families weren't able to make it out because a lot of airlines cancelled flights. Families had to pack up in cars and head westbound and northbound.

Aaron Brooks

They really do have the Europeans over a barrel. They could send these Europeans packing and say, 'Listen you guys abused us with that agreement and now you're paying the consequences. So don't come crying to us because we're not going to help you.

Laurent Ruessmann

Overall, our achievement was middle of the pack, which is what you'd expect after four years of instability.

Gene Evans

They had to go back and fix the water main, pack the base and lay asphalt over the hole.

Marv Esterly

Brittany ran another really strong race. We had some really great things on top, and our pack was strong. It was a big, big win for us.

Tom Mittman

It?s a little up in the air right now, ... That?s how hockey is though. I can be asked to pack up again tomorrow.

Brian Mcconnell

It can be done very inexpensively. Our whole power pack in volume costs $4.50. The platinum alone in a existing fuel cell costs about $8.

Robert Lifton

In the big scheme of things, Perkins (Loans) ... pack a big punch.

Bruce Caplin

We realized there was nobody feeding in and Troop 15 was going to dry up. Our intention is for this pack and the troop to work side?by?side.

Becky Douglas

In addition to the 100 books, they also donated a pack of books to every one of the [25] children in the early childhood development center.

Mary Buckley

They just make the trail impassable, especially to somebody with a pack.

Joe Chavez

I would like to pack up his power tools from the basement.

Erin Groshek

The sophomore class, they lead the pack, they lead by example. They'll motivate the older guys.

Eric Swensen

Well, I guess they (Pack coaches) might have lied to us. But 70 percent - that's still too high.

Engin Atsur

These falls are typically always frozen, but they're getting shorter as the snow pack increases.

Elton Adams

These riders pack the biggest wallop on the Foreign Operations and Commerce/Justice/State bills.

Elizabeth Thompson

I attempt to write a good novel. Whether it is literature or not is something that will be decided by the ages, not by me and not by a pack of critics around the globe.

Elizabeth George

You have to preserve the shuttle's center of gravity, so it's not like packing a car.

Eileen Hawley

This is not yet a pack-and-move order, but rather an instruction to bring back a deal for approval.

Fred Watson