8 quotes about oversees follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We don't need an inspector general because of the OIR. If an internal affairs investigation is called for on any of these situations, OIR oversees that.

Steve Whitmore

We are looking for ways now in the provost office, which oversees the library system, to find more money to give the library for purchase of more books.

Curt Guenther

The on-field officiating crew, which oversees the official game clock operated in the press box, failed to recognize that the clock was improperly reset.

Mike Pereira

What happens in the states too often is that when the ethics commission oversees the Legislature, and the Legislature gets mad at them, they cut their budget.

Peggy Kerns

The fact that the Legislature has to approve the budget for an agency that oversees their activities is kind of a conflict of interest.

Theis Finlev

We provide a framework and standards-the architect oversees all of this.

Joan Zerkovich

He's less than a 1 percent owner in the hotel. These donations were made on behalf of the other organization, which represents the dozens or more officials who are members of that organization this guy oversees.

Roger Germann

[As for the authorship of] Ask Mike, ... It's something he oversees and approves.

Stu Loeser